
geändert / updated: 17/04/08


 ... unabhängige Analysen für die globale Polis ...

(Political education; 02-02; p.3)

Social scientists were not involved directly in that, i.e. they did not teach. But they either gave recommendations as members of the advisory committee for Inner Conduct at the MoD or they worked as experts at the School for Inner Conduct in Koblenz which was founded in 1956.

Because nowadays one hears arguments for a conscript army against a professional, some short remarks have to be made. Some argue that one needs a conscript army in order to guarantee congruence of a democratic society and the military. Von Baudissin e.g. strongly favoured that line of reasoning in the 1950s. Keeping in mind the at that time fresh remembrances of the Wehrmacht and the Reichswehr, the argument was plausible then. To follow this reasoning up to the present time however, would mean at least implicitly that one sees non-democratic attitudes persisting in the Bundeswehr for almost fifty years. - And by stating this also declaring that political leaders failed to cope with it. Moreover, a conscript army might lead to higher permeability between civil and military attitudes but that does not include automatically the "democratic" quality of the attitudes shared.


Changes from 1970 onward

Not before the early 1970s a debate and consequently new structuring of the Bundeswehr's officers' education took place. Three factors contributed to that: a lack of young personnel, new findings of sociologists in regard to the soldier's profession, and a socialdemocratic-liberal coalition in government that was open to renewals.
The numbers of recruits willing to become officers e.g. dropped in 1969-70 to half of the armed forces' functional needs. Based on findings of the American military sociologist Martin Janowitz, German social scientists like Thomas Ellwein and Ralf Zoll in addition discussed re-structuring of officers' education. Janowitz found a growing similarity between organisational and decision-finding processes in both, civil and military institutions. Consequently the scientists demanded a re-orientation of military towards civil education. Thus, making military and civil education more compatible, they hoped to make a temporary career as officer more attractive to draftees.
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